Our Drop-Off Day program offers an immersive training experience for puppies, teenage knuckleheads, and dogs seeking help with behavioral challenges. All dogs start with three+ weeks of training, and we assess the next steps tailored to your goals for an additional three weeks of advanced lifestyle training - like city sidewalk manners, off-leash recall, brewery dog, cafe manners, getting a handle on dog reactivity in a real-world/walk by dogs kind of way. The next steps may include moving into our Farm Dog program for quite literally, the best days of your dog’s life.


New Puppies and Teenage Knuckleheads | 3 + weeks
Baby alligators and older dogs, start with our three-week program for learning lifestyle manners and socialization with our mentor dogs. Training is customized and focuses on building meaningful communication for harmony in the home, leash, and lifestyle skills for safety and practical real-world manners. We’re partners in shaping your dog into a better-behaved version of themselves while still keeping all of their sweet and big personalities intact. Lessons with the owner are included in this program.

Behavior Modification & Behavioral Challenges | 6 weeks
Many times people come to us and just want their dog to be less stressed, and more able to cope with daily life. So often these are dogs that need us to learn how to advocate and guide them, which can translate to a much happier, less stressed dog and owner =
🥳. We begin with 6 weeks of 1-hour drop-off training for help working through reactivity, barking/lunging on a leash, anxiety, separation distress, resource guarding, building skills with confinement training, and confidence-building. We work on play/drive building, leash walking, and building neutrality around dogs. Lessons with the owner are included in this program.

program logistics

Drop off your dog while you run some errands, grab a coffee, or get some work done. While you are doing your thing, we train your dog and then loop you in at the end of the week with a one-on-one private session to hand over the reins.

Drop-off days at our Old City Studios are scheduled Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday, with 1:1 lessons with the owner on Fridays. Dogs can participate in a 1-hour or a half-day program.

Dogs best suited for the 1-hour program are participating in behavior modification or may not be comfortable with rest in a crate between training sessions. Half-day program participants are able to comfortably chill in a crate between training sessions.

What's included
  • Experienced mentor dogs who help your dog build neutrality and social skills

  • Private training lessons with the owners to concentrate on what you want to learn

  • Video courses and community forum

  • Starter bag of goodies for you and your pup

  • Helps with: manners, social skills, waiting at thresholds, off/out, relaxation/chill skills, leash skills, reactivity, play/drive building, calming anxiety, city life with dogs

Our program is designed to support clients over a few months. We’ll make a recommendation for the program that best suits your short-term and long-term goals.

Maintenance Programs 

At the end of your program, our training team will recommend next steps. That could be either a Support Program that allows you and your dog to continue training sessions a few times per month, or a Maintenance Package for just your dog to return on a weekly or bi-weekly schedule as needed.

Mentor members are dog social to neutral and help with distractions, confidence building, and social facilitation with other dogs in training. Mentors must be able to rest quietly in a crate between working sessions.

Maintenance members are in the maintenance phase of training and are dropping in for 1-hour or Half-day training sessions at our studios.


Mentor Dog Packages
Maintenance Dog Packages

All LOcations

3-6+ weeks



“We adopted Macy from ACCT Philly in May 2020. She was a 7-year-old pit bull mix, and although she was incredibly sweet and loved to snuggle, Macy was terrible at walking on a leash and barked at anyone that tried to come into our apartment. She would pull and try to find food or garbage to eat. After several bouts of gastroenteritis and a hospitalization for a liver infection from eating street food, we did 3 weeks of Drop-Off Day Training. Our walks are way less stressful now that Macy is listening and making eye contact, and she will also stay in a long down when new people come into our apartment. The Grad Tune-Up Classes are great for us to continue to practice what Macy has learned.”

— B. Nock